Meet Nellie! Nellie is a 6 year old, female Lab/Heeler mix that weighs 40-45lbs and is currently available for adoption at Rockwall Adoptions. She was originally found off Summer Lee in Rockwall and never reclaimed. Nellie is super sweet and walks on a leash well. Nellie can be a little picky about her friends so a meet and greet is always suggested if you have another dog in the home. Her adoption fee is $125 which includes her spay, rabies vaccination, boosters to date, microchip and heartworm test. Nellie did test positive for heart worms but not to worry! With your help and support, once adopted, Nellie will be able to receive heartworm treatment making it possible for her to have that chance at living a happy and healthy life. One she truly deserves. If you would like to donate towards Nellie's heartworm treatment please click on her donate button. You will not only be giving her a second chance, you will be saving her life, one that's worth saving. If you are interested in adopting Nellie or would like more information on her please visit Rockwall Adoptions at If you would like to donate towards Nellie's heartworm treatment please click on her donate button. Thank you so much for your continued support!